10 Eylül 2009 Perşembe

ateste yuruyecegiz

yapacak biseyi olmayan insan sacmalar hastaligina yakalandigimi bu blogu okuyarak anlayabilirsiniz. bu gun aslinda 14 haziran 2010 edit yapiorum ben su an.  vay, ali abi, naber abi?! madem gelecekten ayziyorum kendime bi sey soylemek istiyorum okan bey, ssst oyku, kiz uzulme lan bi kac aya eze diye bisi cikicak onu izlemeye baslican, annenle aran duzelicek bu vesileyle, ama azcik aklin olsa vaktiyle su inciden bi hesap alirdin, almican. neyse yea.


delirium as a state in which the patient appears out of touch with his surroundings and is spontaneously producing evidence of his confusion and disorientation by muttering, rambling, shouting, often offensively and continuously, with evidence of delusion and hallucination, and often with so much associated motor activity that physical exhaustion overcomes him.

neredeyse bir tur garip oyun.


tasslehoff'u ozledim.

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